3 things people overlook in a gaming pc

3 Things People Overlook in a Gaming PC

Gaming PCs are notoriously expensive and if you’re going to buy or build one, then you better get it right the first time. The issue is that a large proportion of buyers don’t know what a good gaming PC should look like. They might know the basics, but many of them entertain myths that have been perpetuated by the community for years and they end up making purchases based on them. And these myths often push them to overlook certain things because they think they’re not important. Let’s take a look at some of the things commonly overlooked when looking at gaming PCs.

The Quality of the SSD Storage

Some people will only want to see if a computer has enough storage for their needs or whether the computer has an SSD or hard disk drive. But there is more that should go into choosing your storage. SSDs are not made the same and some are more performant than others. And, if you assume that the quality of the SSD doesn’t make that much of a difference, think again. A better SSD will be better at serving data and will make things like movement in open world games more fluid. It will also reduce glitches, lagging, and ping. This is why you need to look at things like latency and bandwidth when looking at SSD cards, not just storage. If you want an example of what a great SSD should look like, we suggest you check out these SSD drives for Lenovo PCs.


This one should be a priority for anyone who’s budget conscious and wants their machine to last as long as possible. But, in reality, everyone should be looking for a machine that can be easily upgraded.

You don’t know when that RAM will be too slow or when that graphics card will be outdated. New technologies are being introduced in gaming all the time, and while companies will allow you to play advanced games on suboptimal specs you won’t be able to enjoy them like they are supposed to.

Being able to upgrade your computer easily has so many advantages. You will be able to keep it for much longer. You also can start with a machine you can afford and add to it as you get the funds. So, make sure to check this before looking for a machine.

The Chip

There’s this strange belief floating around that you can run AAA games on any processor as long as it was made after 2005, but that’s just not true. The CPU still plays a very important role in gaming, and the type of games you like to play will make a big difference. If you like to play games like The Witcher or Borderlands, for instance, what do you think handles the AI and NPC interactions? The CPU. You’ll also need a strong CPU if you want to play racing SIM games. If that’s your type, then you need a CPU that is slightly more powerful than usual.

If you are in the market for a gaming computer, do not neglect these areas. Overlooking them could lead you to serious disappointment and money wasted, so be careful.

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